Plantex Organic Liquid Hand Soap Solution
Plantex Organic Liquid Hand Soap Solution is the ultimate hand soap solution! Made proudly Pinoy, it is ideal as a general hand soap by having superior cleaning and disinfecting power- whilst being fragrant, organic and environmentally friendly! Plantex organic solutions doesn’t just mask the odors and stains created by dirt and bacteria, we deal with them at the source! As a disinfectant, it kills 99.9% of pathogenic microorganisms such as:
Plantex Organic Liquid Hand Soap Solution disinfects and kills harmful germs and fungi that will cause harm and infections if not disinfected. Other than washing hands, Plantex solutions can be used to remove tough dirt, stain, grease, grime, molds & mildew.
Despite being an effective disinfectant, our solutions are soft on your hands, and environmentally Friendly! We take pride in embodying the modern solution against the environmental repercussions of chemical waste. Plantex solutions are completely organic, made directly from plants to synthesize powerful enzymes- making it certifiably non-toxic and very, very safe for your use.
How to use (Recommended) : Plantex Organic Liquid Hand Soap Solution
Warning: The solution REQUIRES dilution with water to be ACTIVATED & EFFECTIVE
Specific and detailed instructions are located on the product itself
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